
Finance in small business

Small businesses face the challenge of responding, among many, to two important financial decisions: the first decision concerns the investment process; and the second, the financing process. The investment process is carried out as a result of the prior evaluation, carried out by the small entrepreneur, who is motivated by any of the following situations: […]

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Challenges and solutions to improve financing for MSMEs during the pandemic

“In the midst of immense difficulties, preserving coordination and cooperation, both within and between countries, will make a difference in the recovery phase.” With an uncertain outlook on the evolution of the pandemic and its impacts, we do not know how many mimesis will survive the onslaught of COVID-19. What we do know is how

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What are small loans?

“Small businesses are the engine of growth in their communities, generating wealth creation and upward economic mobility. When these are successful, our economy becomes stronger, more egalitarian and resilient” Mini loans or micro loans are an incredibly popular product nowadays. Small amounts that lend themselves to make a small project a reality, cover an emergency

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How to Create a Business Plan

When negotiation, the first step is to put all your ideas in writing. And once developed and in order you can outline a business plan that, in the end, is nothing more than a detailed summary of the business adventure you want to undertake. A business plan is an expanded version of the famous r

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