One of the most debated management issues in organizations in recent decades is the competency approach and therefore a concern in organizations has been to know what are the competencies that should be required of older staff in an organization, being generally a turning point the 50 years.

Also, already near the end of the second decade of the XXI Century, we are facing an uncertain economic and geopolitical context, In this sense, not only organizations must adapt to changes, but also people, who to remain current and competitive in the market, must develop a set of skills that make them more effective and efficient both in their organizations and in their personal life.

We can define competencies as “all those observable and measurable human capabilities, necessary to achieve a performance of excellence and high quality results. These capabilities include both skills and knowledge, as well as attitudes, motivation and commitment.”

Currently as a result of the volatile supply and demand for employment due to the difficult economic and geopolitical situation, organizations have been decapitalized in their experienced human resources, sometimes by their own initiatives such as disengagement campaigns with incentives, so now they need to rehire mature talent and is that the intrinsic value of a segment of the population that is being recognized that , when compared to Millennials, earns points.

Organizations have realized that professionals over the age of 50 are competitive in the market, demonstrating with facts that they are not limited by the described characteristics of Millennials, but rather that they are flexible people, who can adapt to change and who can still acquire new knowledge.

There is an awareness that the mature professional has much to offer organizations, such as experience, emotional stability and learning that is not learned in a couple of years, aspects such as communication ability, willingness and negotiation ability are highly valued characteristics for most employers and that prevails over age.

Thus, this group must work to break the paradigm that still exists in many countries that they are at a disadvantage compared to young professionals and show themselves as people interested in taking on new challenges and demonstrating that they are competitive in the market.

Finally we can conclude that this awareness has caused recruitment policies to change, there is not so much talk about age as the knowledge that candidates can contribute. The new generations bring new things, but they are also necessary and fundamental for the success of an organization, people who have lived certain experiences, including crisis situations.The role of the senior is very important as mentors of the new generations the added value of those over 50 years is observed in the personal interview, the senior can put in value what he has achieved, he has a vital experience that demonstrates it with results in the different stages of his professional life.