Do you need a loan for your business or company?

The SME Credit / Commercial Credit Products will be able to cover your financing needs, selecting the product that best suits your short, medium or long term needs, which allow your company to grow.



  • Credit limit approved for one year, according to ability to pay, to cover the short-term needs of the company.
  • Disbursements with provisions up to 180 days with monthly interest and principal payments both monthly and at the maturity of the line.
  • Ease in the request for disbursements, through promissory notes.
  • Rates and competitive conditions.

SME Overdraft Line


This product consists of having an approved limit assigned to an operating current account, where you can cover immediate payments from your company that for some reason are given on a date where your Current Account does not maintain the necessary availability. The use of your overdraft limit may be made, provided that it does not exceed the approved limit and must be covered within the period provided.


  • Approved overdraft limit for one year, according to ability to pay, to cover the short-term needs of the company.
  • Option to annual renewal or limit increase, subject to approval by the Bank.
  • Uses with payment terms of up to x days.
  • Agility of payments through checks and local transfers.
  • Competitive rates.

Medium- and short-term business loan for SMEs


We offer financing for the purchase of fixed assets either by acquisition of land or purchase of commercial premises, offices or galleys, for remodeling and improvements to your property or leased property, for the acquisition of machinery and equipment or fleet of vehicles for commercial use, as well as for other medium and long term needs that will contribute to the growth and flexible financing of your company


Credits of this type allow the development of activities from different business areas.

Trade Credits

Commercial Credits are amounts of money in currency are granted to companies of different sizes to meet working capital needs, acquisition of goods, payment of services oriented to the operation of the same or to refinance liabilities with other institutions and suppliers of short term and that is normally agreed to be paid in the short, medium term and sometimes in the long term.

Its difference with consumer credits is related to the flexibility of payment, allowing extending the payment of the quotas and using the funds for the activities of the company, such as those mentioned above.

Likewise, the terms can be short, medium or long, depending on the characteristics of the operation that the person requesting the credit wishes to develop.

Access to Finance

To access this type of financing, companies must provide extensive information to the bank regarding its operations and the flows of income and expenses it generates, in order to guarantee the payment of the credit that is granted.

For the same reason, it is possible that companies without a commercial history or that do not have balance sheets audited by third parties, face problems to access this type of financing. Due to this situation, there are different financing channels that they can access, including among them the development programs and seed capital granted by the State through various institutions.

Thanks to financing, it is possible to obtain resources to develop projects.


Each of the productive stages of a company requires money to function.

All productive activity requires capital to function.

This means that in order for a company to produce, it must hire employees, have raw materials, invest in marketing and advertising and finally, have a distribution system that allows it to reach the consumer with its products, through commerce.

As you can guess, each of these stages requires money to function. That is, following the example above, you need to have money to pay salaries, to buy raw materials, to pay designers and advertisers, to have packaging systems and to pay carriers and their trucks that will take them to the points of sale.

The manufacturer of the products cannot ask everyone involved in the process to wait for the product to be sold to pay them, but needs to have money at each of those stages to pay.

Need for capital

For that you can count on your own capital or capital provided by your shareholders, or you can also get it in the financial system, that is, through banks or other entities.

The traditional way can be through commercial credits, although other possibilities such as factoring or leasing are also opened, and also the possibility of accessing other systems such as promotion programs or seed capital that are available.