What are the Main Challenges of Omnichannel?

  • 1 What are the Main Challenges of Omnichannel?
  • In short, the implementation of omnichannel is an action that allows us to extract numerous benefits, which brings us all to one place to get closer to potential customers and always provide an unforgettable experience.
  • However, not everything is rosy, and much less when it is intended to change all the engineering of a business to adopt technologies that allow us to intelligently reach potential customers.
  • What challenges would you have to take on if you decided to adopt an omnichannel strategy?Integrate all company channelsThere are multiple communication channels today to develop a true omnichannel digital marketing strategy: RRSS, email marketing, websites, programmatic advertising, apps, etc.
  •  This without counting the traditional contact points.In other words, we have many channels to achieve an incredible user experience, but how do we integrate them to gather the information that really matters to achieve customer satisfaction?Manage the customer journeyOne challenge leads to another, and in this case, after integrating the channels with appropriate CRM / technologies, managing the data left by customers to identify and manage the customer journey is another challenge for marketers to take on. when they decide to embark on the magnificent technology of omnichannel marketing.
  • 2- To adopt or not an omnichannel strategy?
  • And even though you’ve done a great job mastering the previous two points, with data analytics experts and technologies, as you change the architecture of an omnichannel business, there are other challenges ahead that can make us hesitate.
  • Unquestionably, the adoption of new strategies, structures, etc., deserves a previous analysis on the investment, so it is worth asking: even when you are sure of generating an unmatched competitive advantage, could you be sure of obtaining a clear ROI?
  • From your position, you may be asking yourself some questions: how much will the adoption of new omnichannel strategies cost me? How much will the changes influence the cost of customer acquisition? Will I be able to recover my CAC within the established period? And how will this influence my CAC / LTV ratio?
  • These are questions that make us doubt whether or not it is a good idea to adopt an omnichannel strategy now.As a marketing specialist, you know that in this important department we live by putting out fires, so that the most important concerns regarding the adoption of this type of strategy are not linked to its operation, but to profitability; So is it worth the investment of time and money to grow the business or is it better to rest easy for now? 
  • 3- What is its importance for the relationship
  •  with customersToday’s consumers are interacting all the time, they even seek to interact through various means.
  • WhatsApp is an example of this, maintaining contact with family, friends and acquaintances has become essential and whoever has a smartphone and a phone number is not exempt from it.
  • Social networks like Facebook are used to share content between acquaintances and relatives, what for? No need to play riddles: to relate to each other.This need of users makes clear the need for brands to maintain direct contact with their consumers.
  • Building a relationship does not happen overnight, but with the help of integrated channels and a company that trains the people in charge of those channels, it is possible to achieve it.
  • And this is what Omnichannel proposes, so the user experience should be enjoyable, even reaching loyalty.
  • Establishing contact through multiple channels and not only that, but continuing the contact from where the communicational message was left will create trust and empathy between the company and the user.
  • Therefore, omnichannel is the importance of engaging with customers to establish a bond that will last a long time and that can be translated into recommendations to other people interested in the products or services that your company offers
  • 4- Omnichannel in Digital Marketing
  • Through all the technological tools that exist in the world today, Omnichannel has as its main purpose to keep customers well connected with companies, with some flexibility to change communication channels without any inconvenience.
  • To improve results in Digital Marketing, it is necessary to listen to consumers and their needs in order to integrate the correct means to provide that user experience that will later translate into profit for the eCommerce or offline store.
  • A good Digital Marketing campaign aims to maintain experiences after implementing Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Email Marketing or SEO strategies.
  • The truth is that companies must ask themselves how to give their brand value in an environment as competitive as doing good Digital Marketing, gaining prestige and admiration.
  • To take an example, the main objective of a Contact Center is to serve customers in a personalized way through a telephone channel, but that is where communication is; through a single channel.
  • Omnichannel proposes to go further and continue communication through other channels to provide a quality experience.Translated to the world of Digital Marketing, it is necessary that a complaint from a client can be channeled from an email, taken to social networks and perhaps communicate the solution by means of a phone call.
  • In the event that the service has been satisfactory for the client, you would have a new email to continue with the contact, thus achieving a new lead that you could achieve loyalty.
  • The more transparent and personalized the experience, the more leads you will win in Digital Marketing.
  • 5- How to design a Memorable Customer Experience?
  • Offering a Customer Experience that strengthens the relationship with your customers makes the difference in the income of a company.
  • We share some basic aspects to take into account for your strategy:Make it Priority:A customer-centric vision is the first step if you want to positively impact the emotions of your consumers. Communicating it at all levels of your organization is the basis for creating an authentic Customer Experience.
  • Continuously understand the Client:Identifying customer needs before they can verbalize them themselves is one of the keys to success.
  • One strategy is the creation of the «buyer person» that will help you understand the profile of your consumers.Banorte, for example, has understood that the time that users spend on the cell phone is increasing and has just launched an app to send money through WhatsApp and Facebook.
  • Maintain an emotional connection:The best Customer Experience happens when a member of your team has managed to create an emotional connection with the consumer.
  •  Surprise him positively; Exceeding their expectations or letting them know that your brand sees them honestly, as a person and not as a dollar sign, will build the most loyal customers of your company.
  • For example, through Chatbots or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) a company can manage interactions with its customers, predict their future purchases and increase sales.