Tips for you to sell without offering discounts

  • If you would like to know some interesting tips to get to sell more without having to make discounts, in this article we have the best recommendations for you. Keep reading because below we present a large number of quality tips to be able to sell more and more efficiently.
  • Gift products
  • First, a great option is to offer different gift products when buying others. For example, you can give a gift when your customers buy a product, or offer a gift when they reach a specific amount or buy several items. Without a doubt, it´s a good incentive to sell more because your customers will probably be encouraged to increase their purchases in order to reach the minimum and acquire new products.
  • Very fun draws
  • Another very interesting option is to raffle products when they buy in your store. Give them the possibility of entering a raffle when buying in your store and you will surely get many more sales, especially if you choose valuable products to raffle them.
  • Sell ​​in batches
  • Another very interesting option to sell more is to create batches of products. Customers will benefit from a discount, but you will undoubtedly sell more because the purchases will always be larger when selling them in batches than when selling each product separately, so without a doubt it´s a very good option that you should consider.
  • Purchase coupons
  • We also recommend the option of creating different commercial coupons as a tool to sell new products. You can apply this sales coupon technique both for the products that you are going to sell online and for offline sales and we assure you that it´s really effective.
  • Defer payments
  • If you are interested in selling more, another good way to achieve it is to create good financial conditions for your clients. If you offer them the possibility of deferring their payments, especially if the products they sell are quite expensive, you´ll undoubtedly get many more sales.
  • Do fun events
  • Another way to get more customers and get more sales is to create different events with which you will get the attention of your audience. We talk about events of all kinds that range from different very funny performances to quality talks.
  • Create contests
  • Also without a doubt the creation of contests is another key to increase sales. Think that, if you involve your customers with your store, both allowing them to participate and serve as a jury, in addition to increasing your sales, you will get to know their interests much better and you can use it to better position your store.
  • Loyalty programs
  • Loyalty programs are a great option to achieve many more sales because your customers will have special discounts and therefore they will be more and more loyal and will buy more in your store.
  • Create viral ads
  • We also recommend creating viral ads as an advice to sell more. This type of ads or advertising attracts many new customers and therefore helps you increase your sales in a very simple way because after creating the initial advertisement this advertising moves practically by itself.
  • Various incentives
  • Another interesting option is to offer different monetary or economic incentives to your customers so that they can later reinvest them in your store. Participants must meet a series of requirements to be able to benefit from this type of incentive and in the long run it´s a good way to get more customers, retain them and increase sales.
  • Possibility of financing
  • We also recommend offering to your customers the possibility of financing all their purchases. Think that there are people who cannot afford a large outlay, but if you allow them to pay in installments if they will buy certain goods or acquire some services and that is why your sales will increase in the long run.
  • Make mailing
  • Mailing done correctly is one of the best ways to sell more. Segment the market and try to reach as many customers as possible and surely you will see your income increase in a short time.
  • Samples of services or products
  • We also recommend offering different samples of products or new services. It´s a way to get customers that will surely help you increase sales if your product or service is good and of quality and you know how to promote it as it should.
  • Buddy programs
  • Buddy programs are also a great option to get more sales. It’s about offering discounts or gifts to customers who bring you new customers. In this way your sales will increase and you will simply have to offer in exchange what interests you the most and think that your customers may like, also achieving even more loyalty to the first ones by offering them incentives.
  • Promote social networks
  • Finally, without a doubt, in order to increase your sales, it will be key that you maximize your social networks. This is the best way that currently exists to be able to spread your products and services for free.