Identify the purpose of your finances 

  • Our finances are one of the most important issues in our lives, both personally and corporately, so much so that one of our goals will always be to be able to achieve financial security through our endeavors, what sometimes happens is that when we see ourselves with a prosperous venture, we lose the north of our finances, that is, we stop focusing on our initial objectives and we begin to turn our financial life into an unpleasant chaos. Today we want to show you the steps to identify your financial goals if you do not have it yet, and if you already have it but are not clear on how to clarify them.
  • 1- Identify where you are going, how you visualize yourself in 10 years with this undertaking that you are carrying out is one of the fundamental points since if you know where you are going you will know what your objectives are with ease.
  • 2- Identify what you want to achieve through your finances, knowing what you are going to do when obtaining economic security apart from being one of the best motivations will also set your goals very well, an example of this is if you want to expand your business you know that the objective of your entire company and yours will be to achieve this goal. 
  • 3- Identify what is the impediment to achieving your objectives, this is a fundamental part since by identifying the limitations that you have financially you can work to improve them, it often happens to us that when we set a goal a thousand and one difficulty arises in the field Financial is not the exception, there is always an additional expense that was not planned. it is important to cancel unnecessary expenses at that time. 
  • 4- Identifying your current debt situation will help you set goals more objectively. By completing this template, you will be able to have a clearer picture to take short-, medium- and long-term actions on your debts. 
  • 5- The budget is key; a good budget is the key to achieving your financial goals. In this template we invite you to create your budget based on your income, place the actual expenses you have and assign a new goal or limit for each of them, by virtue of not exceeding your monthly income.Now with all this information that we have given you, we invite you to make a list where you put what your income, expenses and when you are going to save to achieve that goal that you have set for yourself. In addition to that, we also invite you to note on a sheet of paper what your debts are, your financial doubts, what prevents you from transforming your bonds, what you do with the money once you have it and what your investments are. This will serve as a reflection to achieve what has cost you so much.