How to stop selling to the wrong audience?

One of the most important parts for any business is to identify the target market to which it is directed, in order to obtain more sales and stop selling to the wrong audience. And it is one of the things that entrepreneurs are most unaware of and one of the biggest mistakes they make.

If you don’t know who your potential customers are, how can you design and implement an effective marketing campaign?

In fact, have you ever wondered if the people you focus your marketing campaigns on and spend your budget with are really interested in your offering?
When running a business, we are generally tempted to say yes to every opportunity that comes our way.

Sometimes we even go against our instincts and accept new clients and projects that we know in advance are going to cause us great headaches.

And we do it, simply because we want to sell more.

At some point in this process, most of us realize that there are only two types of customers:

Ideal clients

2nd «less ideal» clients

When you discover this great truth, you realize that finding a user that fits your style, workflow, and who is going to bring out the best in you, is the most important thing to stay healthy and continue enjoying your work or business. and start to stop selling to the wrong users.

The most important thing is to identify that ideal client and through this, you will begin to sell your product to suitable clients for your company, so below we will show you 4 points with which you can achieve it.

Create the profile of your company about your ideal client (Age, tastes, place of residence, ETC).
Know the personality of the client you want to impact.
Know your needs
Orient your product so that it meets the needs of that customer.
After covering these four guidelines, you should analyze these 4 references to verify that you are selling the ideal customer and that they feel comfortable with your product and can become a frequent customer for your company:

You are satisfied with the product or service that has solved your problem or need.
Do not create inconvenience with the price if it is fair and adequate for the value it provides.
Recommend the product/service if the result you have obtained is what you expected.
You become a loyal and recurring buyer.