How to manage time?

Time management is about examining our use of this resource on a regular basis, to understand the most correct way to use it in a positive way.

Managing your time will force you to be explicit about the cost to your personal and professional life, and will let you guide your efforts accordingly. Keeping control of your time will help you maintain equality between the various pressures you are under, thus making it easier for you to achieve your goals, and avoiding stress and fatigue.


Control your time

Know how you use your time: Over two days (better yet, a week), keep a log of the time you spend on each activity. Divide the tasks into categories such as: denominations, meetings, unexpected visits, administrative work, travel, food, free time, individual occupations. Consider whether the use of your time corresponds to your responsibilities.

Set your goals: Based on what is critical to you, determine what you want to achieve every day and week. Break each objective down into tasks, assign a precious period to each one, and set your priorities.

Organize your time: Identify the necessary instruments that will allow you to commit to completing the tasks identified in a specific time. The tools could be: to-do lists, calendars, and planners.

Identify and eliminate the enemies of your time: the main inconveniences for time control are usually:

  • Overloading your schedule: Trying to do a lot more than is feasible.
  • Accept work from others: exemplifying, once a subordinate does not do their job well
  • Time wasters (controllable): such as so-called unscheduled calls, unpredictable visitors, and impromptu meetings.