How to design a Memorable Customer Experience?

  • Offering a Customer Experience that strengthens the relationship with your customers makes the difference in the income of a company.
  • We share some basic aspects to take into account for your strategy:
  • Make it Priority:
  • A customer-centric vision is the first step if you want to impact positively in the emotions of your consumers. Communicating it at all levels of your organization is the basis for creating an authentic Customer Experience.  Constantly understand the client:
  • Identifying customer needs before they can verbalize them themselves is one of the keys to success.
  • One strategy is the creation of the «buyer person» that will help you understand the profile of your consumers.
  • Banorte, for example, has understood that the time that users spend on the cell phone is increasing and has just launched an app to send money through WhatsApp and Facebook.
  • Maintain an emotional connection:
  • The best Customer Experience happens when a member of your team has managed to create an emotional connection with the consumer.
  • Surprise him positively; Exceeding their expectations or letting them know that your brand sees them honestly, as a person and not as a dollar sign, will build the most loyal customers of your company.
  • Capture customer feedback in real time:
  • How to know if the Customer Experience strategy is working? Interaction with the customer through automated surveys, social media or calls is vital in this regard.
  • Choose the right technological tools:
  • Managing the CX involves the emotion, perception and behavior of a large number of people with different tastes and thoughts.
  • For example, through Chatbots or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) a company can manage interactions with its customers, predict their future purchases and increase sales.