Benefits of the SMART methodology 

  • 1- You increase your business vision: when you follow a smart methodology (SMART) in your company, you have a broad vision of your business. It all starts from how you set your goals to know what it is you want. 
  •  The more visibility you have of all the factors, efforts and resources that you require, the easier it is for you to achieve your goals. 
  • 2- You improve your planning: thinking SMART is having order to plan, anticipate and verify progress. 
  •  If you apply this methodology, you have greater possibilities of establishing order in your business, be it in the processes, the systems, the activities of each position, in order to operate with the same vision to achieve the proposed results.  
  • With intelligent processes, everything flows better, and you avoid unnecessary risks in the operation of your company. 
  • 3- You can focus on the most important thing: knowing where you are going is essential to determine what you must do, how and with what to get to that point. 
  •  With this you can focus your actions exactly on what you need, avoiding distractions or leakage of resources in aspects that will not help the fulfillment of a goal. It equally helps you to prioritize and rank from the most important to the least relevant. 
  • 4- You have greater control: another great advantage is the possibility of making a better distribution of your human, physical and financial resources, which will generate savings. With smart goals you have greater control of your budgets. 
  • 5- You optimize communication: the clarity that a SMART objective gives you helps you communicate more precisely what the company or a specific project intends. In this way, all the collaborators or members of your business identify the goal and you can communicate your message in a concrete and direct way. 
  •  This helps the cohesion of the teams and the certainty that each of the people who work for that goal is doing their part. 
  • 6-You promote time management: you have thought how much time is wasted on a project when it does not have a good planning, it can really be days or months.  
  • When you establish an intelligent methodology, you delegate the right activities in a specific time; It is the best way to manage time in your company. 
  • 7- You give your company a strategic profile: if you get used to thinking SMART you will always be strategic and with this your company will reinforce each of its areas to work smoothly, as true integrated gears.  
  • A business with a strategic profile stands out, positions itself, grows and differentiates itself from its competitors. 
  • 8- You streamline your sales force: your sales team requires vision, certainty and tangible goals so that they can act agilely. 
  •  You achieve this when you establish SMART objectives, with which they can guide and orient their efforts aligned with your business strategy. 
  • 9- You establish continuous improvement processes: when you have a broad business vision, control of your resources, planning and strategy, it is very easy to establish continuous improvement processes, because you have clear indicators of how you are doing, what progress is and know if you are achieving the implemented objectives. 
  • 10- You increase your profitability: linked to the above, if your company assimilates the SMART methodology as part of its essence for all its activities and operations, you will surely achieve successful results and increase the profitability of your business.